Music Theory Help
Here you will find real-life music theory information that will help you become a better player. Use the side bar at left to find the topic in which you are interested. If you have a question that is not answered here or you want to know more about an existing topic, please use the form below to contact me with your question. I will respond promptly.
Table of Contents
Backcycling - Add harmonic movement.
Chord Basics - Where do chords come from?
Chord Extensions - Add notes for bigger and grander tonality.
Chord Names - Chord construction made easy.
Chord Progressions - Put chords to work for you.
Chord Substitutions - Add variety to your improvisation.
Circle of Fifths - Why do I need to know this?
Enharmonics - A note by any other name...
Harmonic Minor Scale - Getting an exotic sound.
Improvising - How modes, arpeggios, and chords relate.
Intervals - The distance between notes.
Melodic Minor - The Jazz scale.
Modes - Where do modes come from?
Modulation - Going from one key to another.
Parallel Minor Scale - Comparing the Major and Minor scales.
Scales - The Major & Natural Minor scales explored
Scales, Exotic - Use colorful scales to add variety to your playing.
Scales, Harmonized - Harmonize exotic scales.
Scale Degree - The Music yardstick.
Secondary Dominant Chords - Add movement to a chord progression.
Transposing - Writing music for band instruments.